
Cyber Security & You
Digital Rights Are Your Rights
The team at YourisdBlack has a passion not only for the technologies we support but also how they affect your personal privacy and security. For instance, you may not know that in many cases deleting your browser history is illegal. If you are surprised or afraid of that statement you are not alone. We can help not only your business but your private I.T. needs as well

You Are Being Monitored
Facial Recognition Phone Tapping, Mail Monitoring and Much More
Digital rights are your rights. You wouldn't give up your rights in a court of law so why give up your rights every time you get on the Internet. Why give them up when you pick up your phone. You can take back your privacy, erase the damage you have done, and stay invisible. If you think you have nothing to hide click here Take back your data and privacy with YourisdBlack where we got your Black
Protect Your Business
Making Sense of The Every Changing Security Landscape
Every business is at risk every hour of every day. Change is hard and can slow down to a crawl when security initiatives threaten productivity. YourisdBlack can provide reporting that shows the dollar value associated with the specific risk. Once a risk is identified we will work with you to create a custom plan. Let us focus on your security and you can focus on the value you provide your customers.

YourisdBlack We Got Your Black
The Deep Web The Dark Web and How You Can Stay Safe
Most businesses fall under some form of compliance or regulations whether it be HIPPA, PCI/DSS, GDPR, SOC, and SOX. With states like California creating CCPA and other states to follow the burden of data governance will create more demand for each business. Add that to the never-ending threat from the Dark Web and you need a partner who can help you identify, respond, prioritize and mitigate your risk.
Personal Security Consulting
We Can Guide You Back To The Privacy That Is Your Greatest Right
Stop the prying eyes. Find out what applications and institutions mine your data. Learn what laws in what states protect you. You have more power than you know. If you are worried about your data, your privacy, or would like to learn more about how data is being used contact us. We can provide education, personal privacy plans, and teach you a few new tricks.